
তলপেটে ব্যথা, প্রস্রাবের সময় সমস্যা হচ্ছে? প্রস্টেট ক্যান্সার নয় তো!

বেশির ভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে প্রস্টেট ক্যান্সারের লক্ষণগুলি চিনতে পারা যায় না। যখন সমস্যা মারাত্মক আকার ধারণ করে, তখন রোগীকে বাঁচানো প্রায় অসম্ভব হয়ে দাঁড়ায়। from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

Norman Gimbel, award-winning lyricist, dies aged 91

Norman Gimbel helped pen hits such as Killing Me Softly with his Song and The Girl from Ipanema. from BBC News - US & Canada

FCC Investigates Widespread CenturyLink Outage That Disrupted 911 Service

The FCC chairman called CenturyLink's widespread telecom outage unacceptable and says an investigation will start immediately. from Technology : NPR

Researchers develop 128Mb STT-MRAM with world's fastest write speed for embedded memory

A research team has successfully developed 128Mb-density STT-MRAM (spin-transfer torque magnetoresistive random access memory) with a write speed of 14 ns for use in embedded memory applications, such as cache in IOT and AI. This is currently the world's fastest write speed for embedded memory application with a density over 100Mb and will pave the way for the mass-production of large capacity STT-MRAM. from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Rerouting nerves during amputation reduces phantom limb pain before it starts

Doctors have found that a surgery to reroute amputated nerves, called targeted muscle reinnervation, or TMR, can reduce or prevent phantom or residual limb pain from ever occurring in amputee patients who receive the procedure at the time of amputation. from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Our universe: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension

Researchers have devised a new model for the universe -- one that may solve the enigma of dark energy. Their new article proposes a new structural concept, including dark energy, for a universe that rides on an expanding bubble in an additional dimension. from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Marine debris study counts trash from Texas to Florida

Trash, particularly plastic, in the ocean and along the shoreline is an economic, environmental, human health, and aesthetic problem causing serious challenges to coastal communities around the world, including the Gulf of Mexico.  from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily