
বেগুনের কোনও গুণ নেই! জেনে নিন বেগুনের কয়েকটি আশ্চর্য গুণ

এ বার বেগুনের কয়েকটি অজানা গুণ সম্পর্কে জেনে নেওয়া যাক... from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

Trump threatens to 'devastate' Turkish economy over Syrian Kurds

The US leader warns Turkey of economic devastation if it attacks Kurds after a US pullout from Syria. from BBC News - US & Canada

US shutdown: Trump urged to temporarily reopen government

A senior Republican close to the president says a short reopening could allow talks to end the impasse. from BBC News - US & Canada

Has Trump turned his back on Europe?

How has Donald Trump's presidency changed America's relationship with Europe? from BBC News - US & Canada

James Watson: Scientist loses titles after claims over race

Nobel Prize-winning scientist James Watson has repeated remarks about race and intelligence. from BBC News - US & Canada

Khashoggi murder: Pompeo to seek update in Riyadh

The US secretary of state is expected to meet Saudi Arabia's crown prince in a visit to the kingdom. from BBC News - US & Canada

Dread Opening Your Inbox? There's A New Approach To Embracing All Those Emails

Taylor Lorenz, a staff writer at The Atlantic , says forget "Inbox Zero" for 2019 and embrace "Inbox Infinity." Let the email messages wash over you, replying to what you can and ignoring the rest. from Technology : NPR